CFX COVID-19 Policy

CFX takes your health and ours very seriously.  We have adopted the following social distancing and sanitation protocols based on CDC guidelines:

Customer Consent & Screening:
• When scheduling projects with CFX, customer will review the project safety guidelines below.
• Customer will confirm that they and their family members have not shown any symptoms or have reason to believe they have been exposed to the virus.

• CFX will screen employees regularly for symptoms or potential exposure and employees will take their temperatures regularly.
• Employees with any symptoms or known exposure will not work on on-site projects.

Project Kickoff:
• CFX technician(s) and customer agree to wear face masks.
• When direct interaction is required, both parties will wear masks and maintain at least 6 foot distance.

Project Setup: 
• Customer agrees to vacate room(s) where work will be performed.
• Technician will close door where possible to create separation between work area(s) and occupied areas of the house.
• Technician will wash hands or use hand sanitizer prior to starting work and upon leaving or re-entering house.
• All surfaces and equipment in work area will be wiped with disinfectant wipes prior to starting work. Any equipment handed to customer (such as remotes) will be sanitized.
• Surfaces and equipment will be wiped again after completion of work.

Be healthy and safe!